link. */ public function adjacent_rel_url( $link, $rel, $presentation = null ) { if ( ! $this->woocommerce_helper->is_shop_page() ) { return $link; } if ( $rel !== 'next' && $rel !== 'prev' ) { return $link; } $url = $this->get_shop_paginated_link( $rel, $presentation ); if ( $url ) { return $url; } return $link; } /** * Adds a breadcrumb for the shop page. * * @param Indexable[] $indexables The array with indexables. * * @return Indexable[] The indexables to be shown in the breadcrumbs, with the shop page added. */ public function add_shop_to_breadcrumbs( $indexables ) { $shop_page_id = $this->woocommerce_helper->get_shop_page_id(); if ( ! \is_int( $shop_page_id ) || $shop_page_id < 1 ) { return $indexables; } foreach ( $indexables as $index => $indexable ) { if ( $indexable->object_type === 'post-type-archive' && $indexable->object_sub_type === 'product' ) { $shop_page_indexable = $this->repository->find_by_id_and_type( $shop_page_id, 'post' ); if ( \is_a( $shop_page_indexable, Indexable::class ) ) { $indexables[ $index ] = $shop_page_indexable; } } } return $indexables; } /** * Returns the ID of the WooCommerce shop page when the currently opened page is the shop page. * * @param int $page_id The page id. * * @return int The Page ID of the shop. */ public function get_page_id( $page_id ) { if ( ! $this->woocommerce_helper->is_shop_page() ) { return $page_id; } return $this->woocommerce_helper->get_shop_page_id(); } /** * Handles the title. * * @param string $title The title. * @param Indexable_Presentation|null $presentation The indexable presentation. * * @return string The title to use. */ public function title( $title, $presentation = null ) { $presentation = $this->ensure_presentation( $presentation ); if ( $presentation->model->title ) { return $title; } if ( ! $this->woocommerce_helper->is_shop_page() ) { return $title; } if ( ! \is_archive() ) { return $title; } $shop_page_id = $this->woocommerce_helper->get_shop_page_id(); if ( $shop_page_id < 1 ) { return $title; } $product_template_title = $this->get_product_template( 'title-product', $shop_page_id ); if ( $product_template_title ) { return $product_template_title; } return $title; } /** * Handles the meta description. * * @param string $description The title. * @param Indexable_Presentation|null $presentation The indexable presentation. * * @return string The description to use. */ public function description( $description, $presentation = null ) { $presentation = $this->ensure_presentation( $presentation ); if ( $presentation->model->description ) { return $description; } if ( ! $this->woocommerce_helper->is_shop_page() ) { return $description; } if ( ! \is_archive() ) { return $description; } $shop_page_id = $this->woocommerce_helper->get_shop_page_id(); if ( $shop_page_id < 1 ) { return $description; } $product_template_description = $this->get_product_template( 'metadesc-product', $shop_page_id ); if ( $product_template_description ) { return $product_template_description; } return $description; } /** * Uses template for the given option name and replace the replacement variables on it. * * @param string $option_name The option name to get the template for. * @param string $shop_page_id The page id to retrieve template for. * * @return string The rendered value. */ protected function get_product_template( $option_name, $shop_page_id ) { $template = $this->options->get( $option_name ); $page = \get_post( $shop_page_id ); return $this->replace_vars->replace( $template, $page ); } /** * Get paginated link for shop page. * * @param string $rel Link relationship, prev or next or curr. * @param Indexable_Presentation|null $presentation The indexable presentation. * * @return string|null The link. */ protected function get_shop_paginated_link( $rel, $presentation = null ) { $presentation = $this->ensure_presentation( $presentation ); $permalink = $presentation->permalink; if ( ! $permalink ) { return null; } $current_page = \max( 1, $this->pagination_helper->get_current_archive_page_number() ); if ( $rel === 'curr' && $current_page === 1 ) { return $permalink; } if ( $rel === 'curr' && $current_page > 1 ) { return $this->pagination_helper->get_paginated_url( $permalink, $current_page ); } if ( $rel === 'prev' && $current_page === 2 ) { return $permalink; } if ( $rel === 'prev' && $current_page > 2 ) { return $this->pagination_helper->get_paginated_url( $permalink, ( $current_page - 1 ) ); } if ( $rel === 'next' && $current_page < $this->pagination_helper->get_number_of_archive_pages() ) { return $this->pagination_helper->get_paginated_url( $permalink, ( $current_page + 1 ) ); } return null; } /** * Ensures a presentation is available. * * @param Indexable_Presentation $presentation The indexable presentation. * * @return Indexable_Presentation The presentation, taken from the current page if the input was invalid. */ protected function ensure_presentation( $presentation ) { if ( \is_a( $presentation, Indexable_Presentation::class ) ) { return $presentation; } $context = $this->context_memoizer->for_current_page(); return $context->presentation; } } Outil de Facturation – Réverbère
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Home Application Outil de Facturation

Outil de Facturation


Cet outil de facturation vous permet de facturer vos clients et d'éditer des factures proforma (ou devis) à vos clients. Il vous permet de stocker la base de donnée de produits et de clientèle de sorte que les prix s'affichent automatiquement.

L'application intègre les remises, le calcul de la TVA, le mode de paiement et les délais de règlements.

Grâce à sa numérotation automatique, l'outil permet de conserver jusqu'à 800 factures et de les imprimer au besoin.